November 28, 2009, 18:12

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Biology, Fatty acid degradation. DAT Discussions. I am having hard time understanding the mechanism of fatty acid degradation. (Arachidonic acid 20:4 n-6 derived from the essential fatty acid linoleic. Acetyl-CoA can be generated from the metabolic degradation of: A. Glucose: B. Fatty acids The fatty acid distribution at the C–1 and C–2 positions of glycerol within phospholipids is continually in flux, owing to phospholipid degradation and the continuous. Fatty acid synthesis vs. degradation. 1) cytosol. 2) acyl carrier protein (ACP): sulfhydryl group. 3) a single polypeptide chain (260-kd: fatty acid synthase): Key features of the fatty acid synthesis pathway: - synthesis takes place in the cytosol (degradation occurs in the mitochondrial matrix). - intermediates in the synthesis pathway.





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